The right behavior

Every behavior gets something done or delays something that is to be done.

Every word you speak, every sentence you write, every piece of code you test, every story you tell has only one purpose – to get something done.

Purpose of your behavior is NOT to showcase your skills, your knowledge of the facts or standards to be conformed to, or whether you’re smart or committed.

Purpose of your behavior is also not to prove if you were RIGHT or wrong.

Purpose of your behavior is simple: it is to figure out/carry out/push forward/facilitate what you are going to do to get the ONE, most important, thing done. The most important thing is the ONLY thing that matters out of hundreds of things that lie with it on your (and your organization’s) to-do platter.

If you want to argue, argue about how you can make it better.

If you want to disagree, show the value that your disagreement would bring.

But if your expression brings the negative energy in just to PROVE your point, then everyone loses.

It is a waste…it is a waste of your time, and it is a waste of the receiver’s time. It’s a waste for a simple reason: IT DOES NOT GET ANYTHING DONE.

If your expression does not get things done, it is of no use.  Since it is of no use, how can it be right?

The ONLY right behavior is what contributes to making the most important thing done.