Educate without a bias

I won’t believe what you’ll “market” to me.

I won’t believe what your other clients say about you in their video testimonials on your website.

But I will believe it if my close friend recommends you.

I will believe if I “tell” myself that you’re great.

How would you let my friend recommend your product? How would you let me believe that you’re great?

Friendship is based on trust. No trust = no friendship.

Why should I trust you? Why should I believe that you do not have any vested interest in “educating” me about a subject around your product?

In the connection economy, every smart business would educate the masses about how their product solves problems. Nothing hip about it.

“Education” loses its impact if it is done with a bias.  Education is not a sales technique, but still, we do that. Consider the following:

  • 21 SureFire Ways to Bring Your Website on Top – Guaranteed!
  • Why Should You Hire a Full-Time PHP Developer in India for Your Next Web App Project?
  • If You Are Not Using XYZ App, Then You Are Not Using Mobile (Really!)
  • Why is ABC Political Party Clean and How Another Party Ruining the Country…?

I’m sure you would have read hundreds of such headlines … in blogs, videos, and almost every imaginable media out there.

Education has to be neutral. It cannot be biased and recommend your own product inside the body of the content. If it does, people get it. And they don’t believe in what you say.

If you want to educate people, educate without any wasted interest. Educate them because you want to share what you know. Educate them because they need to get what you know. Educate them because they want to listen to what you have to say.

That builds trust, and people will permit you to sell your products, service, and ideas. To them, with a positive bias. Not easy to earn.

Easier said than done!