Screw it, let’s do it!

“Screw It, Let’s Do It!” ~ Sir Richard Branson

This is one of the most powerful advice one could ever get. It’s powerful because it can change lives. It’s powerful because it works … however, it’s not so easy to make it work.

The reason is your #1 enemy who pretends to be your friend and lives inside you.

Outside enemies are relatively easy to deal with. You know who they are. You know what their intentions are. You know you have to be careful or you’re gone.

But the enemy inside you, the voice of procrastination and resistance, that’s the one you need to be eagle-eyed about.

Do not be friends with your enemy.

As it turns out, most of us have very generous hearts and we want to be friends with our enemies too including procrastination and resistance.

We act like an edgeless sword against it.

We let their charm take us over.

We let that voice lead.

Run. Walk away. Get off.

Screw that voice, let’s do it.