The best self-reflections from 108 bloggers on Life

Regardless of their country, religion, gender, popularity or the age, they all had one thing in common – a thrust for learning.

They had an attitude to lead the life regardless of what comes in the way.

More to that, they had the courage to share with the world whatever they have learned from life for just one cause. Life-lessons that they have learned can be multiplied for the greater good of mankind.

You guessed it right.  I’m referring to the project called Life Lessons Series in which I participated in July-2010. The project was hosted by my friend and a cool blogger  – Abubakar Jamil.

The project was led by him and Farnoosh Brock of Prolific Living and participated by 108 personal-development bloggers who shared what they have learned from living in the form of blog posts.

People read them. People loved them. People shared them. People talked about them. People felt them. People learned from them. Not only that, it affected the quality of people’s choices; it affected many lives positively.

To extend that experience, Abubakar and Farnoosh have collected select gems from the life-lessons as a free e-Book called The Best Self-reflections from 108 Bloggers.

Have a look an example of life-lesson from a fellow blogger Raam Dev.

Time is a currency that appreciates in value and simultaneously decreases in quantity over the course of your life. There are only a few things really worth spending time and money on in life. Read more

If you have learned anything significant from life experiences, then I’m sure you’ll learn something significant by reading this 23-page masterpiece.